Reading Comprehension Tests

By rachdon   Posted at  4:55 AM   writing No comments
Reading Comprehension Tests (Part 1)
Reading Comprehension Tests 
            Starting from this issue, MATE newsletter will include a supplement that contains ready to use teaching and learning materials. The idea of the supplement stems from a real need that is expressed by teachers, formally or informally, for teaching and learning materials that respond to different Moroccan ELT settings and contexts. The supplement is also another opportunity for teachers to exchange experiences that have proved to be effective and successful. Furthermore, it is an enrichment to the newsletter and another way to bring it nearer to MATE members.
The activities that will be included in every supplement should be
- ready-to-use materials that haveproved to be successful after implementation
- varied in content, methodology and technique
- up-to-date, relevant and innovative
- responding to Moroccan teachers and students
- clear in their objectives, stages, and instructions
- complete and self-contained.
Reading Comprehension tests for level 1 of English:
The reason for choosing the topic of the current supplement is two-fold. First, reading is a bit problematic in level 1 of English. Second, it is even moreproblematic for testing purposes.
The supplement contains varied passages that can respond to the Moroccan ELT context. The passages are of different types. They include: a dialogue, an interview, a postcard, emails, an advertisement, a biography, articles,statistics, etc.
The themes of the texts are:
- introducing oneself –daily activities –school subjects – house description –clothes –appearances –holidays –the weather –biography –celebrations –city versus country life – traveling –entertainment –education.

At the bank

Mr. Peter Williamson is at the bank. Here is his interview with Mr.Robson, the bank manager.
Bank Manager (BM): Good morning Mr.Williamson.
Client (C): Good morning.
BM: Please sit down.
C: Thank you.
BM: Now, one or two questions.
C: Yes, of course.
BM: How old are you, Mr. Williamson?
C: Thirty-eight.
BM: And you are Australian, aren’t you?
C: Yes, that’s right.
BM: Are you married?
C: Yes, I am.
BM: What’s your wife’s name?
C: Clara.
BM: And your wife’s age, Mr Williamson?
C: Pardon?
BM: How old is Mrs. Williamson?
C: Oh, she’s thirty-five.
BM: Thirty-five. I see. And is she Australian, too?
C: No, she is British?
BM: And what’s her job?
C: She is a nurse.
BM: A nurse, yes. Have you got any children?
C: Yes, three. Two boys and a girl.
BM: Two girls and a boy.
C: No, two boys and a girl.
BM: Oh, yes. I’m sorry. And what are their names?
C: Nick, Sandra and Richard.
BM: And their ages?
C: Ten, eight and four.
BM: I see. Now one more question, Mr.Williamson. What’s your job?
C: I’m a university teacher.
BM: A university teacher. Right. Thank you. You want £80,000 to …


A. Are the following statements TRUE
or FALSE? (3 points)
1. Mr Williamson has got two boys and a girl. (……….)
2. Clara is a teacher. (……….)
3. Mr Williamson is Australian. (……….)
B. Answer the following questions from the text: (3 points)
1. Where is Mr Williamson now?

2. Is Mrs Williamson at the bank?
3. What does Mr Williamson do?
C. Complete the following family tree from the text. (4 points)
Peter + Clara

simple writing of smoking

By rachdon   Posted at  2:14 PM   writing No comments
simple writing of smoking

simple writing of smoking
       In my opinon ,smoking is one of the most dougerous habits that people do smoking is realy bad for our bing about serious disease, like concer.ithink that this phenomen on also causes air pollution .i think it is time to stop this dangerous game.

simple present

By rachdon   Posted at  1:02 PM   simple present No comments
simple present

good morning

Finish the table:

simple present

          Put the verb in the correct form using these verb           endings: s, es,  ies, es, es,s.
1.She (do) her homework at night.
2.He (like) basketball.
3.We (play) videogames.
4.The goal keeper (catch) the ball.
5.The bird (fly) in the sky.

6.He (go) to school everyday.
 Put the verbs in the correct form:
Sam …………….. (work) in a bank.
•My parents ……………… (like) sport.
•Mamoun ……………….  (live) in Casablanca.
•My dog ………………. (eat) tuna.
•Khalid and Samir …………… (play) tennis.
•Souad ……………. (love) her children. 
          Conjugate the verbs between parenthesis in the simple present:
•My cat ……………..(eat) fish.
•He …………….(play) Basketball on Sundays.
•She ………………(do) her homework every night.
•It ………………… (be) very hot in Marrakech city!
•Nada ……………….(have) two brothers.
•She ………………….(study) English at school .
•The goal keeper ………………..(catch) the ball.

History of the English Language

By rachdon   Posted at  12:53 PM   news No comments
History of the English Language

History of the English Language
  What is English?
   A short history of the origins and development of English

         The history of the English language extremely started with the arrival of 3 Germanic tribes WHO invaded United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland throughout the fifth century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and therefore the Jutes, crossed the sea from what these days is Kingdom of Denmark and northern Federal Republic of Germany. At that point the inhabitants of england spoke a Indo-Hittite. however most of the Celtic speakers were pushed west and north by the invaders - principally into what's currently Wales, European country and eire. The Angles came from "Englaland" [sic] and their language was referred to as "Englisc" - from that the words "England" and "English" area unit derived.
History of the English Language

Map of Germanic invasions
   Germanic invaders entered United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the east and south coasts within the fifth century.

Old English (450-1100 AD)
Example of English
    Part of Beowulf, a literary work written in English.
The invasive Germanic tribes spoke similar languages, that in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland developed into what we have a tendency to currently decision English. English didn't sound or seem like English these days. Native English speakers currently would have nice problem understanding English. however, concerning half the foremost ordinarily used words in English language have English roots. The words be, sturdy and water, for instance, derive from English. English was spoken till around 1100.
Middle English (1100-1500)
Example of Middle English
An example of Middle English by poet.
In 1066 William the victor, the Duke of Normandie (part of contemporary France), invaded and conquered European nation. The new conquerors (called the Normans) brought with them a form of French, that became the language of the Royal Court, and therefore the ruling and business categories. For a amount there was a form of linguistic category division, wherever the lower categories spoke English and therefore the higher categories spoke French. within the ordinal century English became dominant in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland once more, however with several French words else. This language is named Middle English. it absolutely was the language of the good writer poet (c1340-1400), however it might still be troublesome for native English speakers to know these days.
Modern English
Early English language (1500-1800)

Towards the top of Middle English, a explosive and distinct amendment in pronunciation (the nice Vowel Shift) started, with vowels being pronounced shorter and shorter. From the sixteenth century a people had contact with several peoples from round the world.

Example of Early English language
Hamlet's noted "To be, or to not be" lines, written in Early English language by William Shakspere.
This, and therefore the Renaissance of Classical learning, meant that a lot of new words and phrases entered the language. The invention of printing conjointly meant that there was currently a standard language in print. Books became cheaper and a lot of individuals learned to scan. Printing conjointly brought standardization to English. orthography and descriptive linguistics became mounted, and therefore the idiom of London, wherever most business homes were, became the quality. In 1604 the primary English lexicon was printed.

Late English language (1800-Present)

The main distinction between Early English language and Late English language is vocabulary. Late English language has more words, arising from 2 principal factors: first off, the commercial Revolution and technology created a requirement for brand new words; second, a people Empire at its height lined one quarter of the Earth's surface, and therefore the West Germanic language adopted foreign words from several countries.

Varieties of English
From around 1600, the English organization of North America resulted within the creation of a definite yankee sort of English. Some English pronunciations and words "froze" once they reached America. In some ways that, American is a lot of just like the English of William Shakspere than trendy British English is. Some expressions that a people decision "Americanisms" area unit really original British expressions that were preserved within the colonies whereas lost for a time in United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (for example trash for rubbish, loan as a verb rather than lend, and fall for autumn; another example, frame-up, was re-imported into United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland through Hollywood criminal movies). Spanish conjointly had associate influence on American (and after British English), with words like canon, ranch, stampede and vigilance man being samples of Spanish words that entered English through the settlement of the yankee West. French words (through Louisiana) and West African words (through the slave trade) conjointly influenced American (and thus, to associate extent, British English).

Today, American is especially powerful, because of the USA's dominance of cinema, television, musical style, trade and technology (including the Internet). however there area unit several different forms of English round the world, together with for instance Australian English, New Seeland English, Canadian English, South African English, Indian English and Caribbean English.

The Germanic Family of Languages
Chart of the Germanic family of languages
English could be a member of the Germanic family of languages.
Germanic could be a branch of the Indo-Hittite family.

A brief chronology of English
55 BC Roman invasion of england by Gaius Julius Caesar. native inhabitants speak Celtish
AD 43 Roman invasion and occupation. starting of Roman rule of england.
436 Roman withdrawal from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland complete.
449 Settlement of england by Germanic invaders begins
450-480 Earliest celebrated English inscriptions. previous English
1066 William the victor, Duke of Normandie, invades and conquers European nation.
c1150 Earliest living manuscripts in Middle English. Middle English
1348 English replaces Latin because the language of instruction in most faculties.
1362 English replaces French because the language of law. English is employed in Parliament for the primary time.
c1388 Chaucer starts writing The tale.
c1400 The nice Vowel Shift begins.
1476 William printer establishes the primary English machine. Early English language
1564 Shakespeare is born.
1604 Table Alphabeticall, the primary English lexicon, is printed.
1607 The initial permanent English settlement within the New World (Jamestown) is established.
1616 Shakespeare dies.
1623 Shakespeare's initial Folio is printed
1702 The initial daily English-language newspaper, The Daily Courant, is printed in London.
1755 Samuel Johnson publishes his English lexicon.
1776 Thomas President of the United States writes the yankee Declaration of Independence.
1782 Britain abandons its colonies in what's later to become the USA.
1828 Webster publishes his American lexicon. Late English language
1922 The British Broadcasting Corporation is supported.
1928 The English language lexicon is printed.

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